Nuestra misión es generar la confianza necesaria en nuestros suscriptores. Eso se logra con el manejo bioético de la ciencia del comportamiento afectivo. Y qué mejor el demostrar con evidencia que Hearthunting mantiene comunicación directa con los prestigiosos y reconocidos Psicólogos investigadores británicos, fuente primaria del modelo y la metodología científicas aplicadas en la sana y objetiva escogencia de pareja.
A continuación presentamos epistolario reciente de la Dirección Científica de Hearthunting con los Drs. Wilson y Cousins.
From: Medinet Modelia [mailto:medinet@colombia.com]
Sent: 04 October 2010 03:38
To: Wilson, Glenn;g.wilson@gresham.ac.uk
Subject: Hello from Colombia, SouthAmerica
Dr. Glenn D. Wilson:
My pleasure to have the chance to contact you. Since years ago we are your followers -science stand point-, and admirors becouse of your research and mainly because your couple work at UK, based on CQ findings.
I have the priviledge to be the President of a professional Association (www.ucomed.blogspot.com), Director of a Psychology bufete (www.medinetmodelia.blogspot.com) and Scientific Director of a Couple Matching Company (www.hearthunting.com.co), leading for Latinamerica a scientific model applied to Emotional and Affective Psychology for couples, based on your model.
I want to express my pride to be your follower, and -I hope- since today your student, in order to continue learning from your experiences, in order to place them in practice for our company.
We have received a professional recognition in our country from the official Psychology Association (www.hearthunting.blogspot.com), and our purpose is to continue with this social mission.
Hope to receive from you any observation or suggestion for our work, eventhough the distance could be a limit.
Best reards, -- Edgar León Lozano www.medinetmodelia.blogspot.com Director
2010/10/4 Wilson, Glenn <glenn.wilson@kcl.ac.uk>
Dear Edgar,
Thank you for your most complimentary words. The CQ has been adopted on franchise by several dating sites around the world and I am copying this reply to my colleagues Caroline and Jon (whose image you attached – perhaps you meant to copy him in). In case you should want to follow this option, they are the ones to deal with.
I also attach the script of talk I gave earlier this year at Gresham College, hoping it might be of interest.
Best wishes for your own enterprises.
Dr Glenn Wilson
020 7274 7598 (home/office)
07721 009 553 (mobile)
De:"Medinet Modelia"
Para:"Wilson, Glenn"
Cc:"Caroline Ashcroft" , "Jon Cousins"
Dear Drs. Wilson and Cousins:
It has been a real pride for us to get your attention in this matter. We will take in consideration your recommendations, Dr. Wilson, and infact we want to say thaks a lot to Dr. Cousins too obviously.
Again, we have received your script, and inmediatelly an official reading has been directed to our colleagues within Hearthunting.
We apprecaite it.
Thanks to both of you, and we hope to keep in contact for future news.
Edgar León Lozano, Ps.
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